Our Terrific Trainees

Our Director, Lisa, is a faculty member for the Pilates International Training Centre (PilatesITC), the first ever government recognised Pilates qualification centre in the world.

Core Pilates works alongside PilatesITC as a GOLD Work Experience Facilitation site for students who are PilatesITC registered. This means we are compliant with the standards set for Registered Training Organisations and place students as trainees to complete their work experience hours for the Diploma and Certificate IV qualifications in the Pilates method.

These qualifications are regarded as the highest available within the Pilates Industry in Australia and are regulated by the government. One of the most important things in undertaking these courses is hands on work experience hours. This experience offers the trainee the opportunity to put their learning into practice in a professional environment.

Core Pilates currently has two trainees under our wing. Leigh, who is a happy addition to some of our Saturday sessions, and Kim, who has come all the way down from Townsville to study with Lisa. Our employee Cassie is also completing her government qualification.

Both girls have put in a lot of hard work, possess bundles of enthusiasm and have shown themselves to be avid and open learners. Kim has returned home with a new perspective on her teaching methods and has had some humbling feedback on her classes from participants. “Two said that they felt it to be the best Pilates classes they had been to and that their bodies have not felt better. A few others who had been to my classes prior to my trip said they could not believe the improvement in two weeks… it has certainly given me more confidence with teaching groups.”

Having a positive work experience environment and accredited training is vital to the success of our trainees and in turn the Pilates industry. When you come to our studio you can be certain that your teacher has had full training and works professionally. They have a deep understanding of the Pilates method and use this knowledge and experience to progress your program and instruct you on correct movement.

A big thank you to all of our clients who are so welcoming and responsive towards our trainees. Kim will be returning to Core Pilates each month until the end of the year and I’m sure you will all agree it has been a pleasure having her in the studio!