Here’s another move to add to your after work Pilates routine. Sitting all day at a desk or bending or standing all day in your work can make you feel tight and tense in the back and hips. The Spine Twist helps release this tension and improves your spine’s ability to rotate, increases your core control and stabilises your back …
After Work Pilates – Pelvic Curl
Sitting at a desk all day in a static position can lead to serious back and posture issues. It can cause tension and pain in the neck, back, hips and legs. While sitting may seem comfortable for the first few years of your career, eventually these posture issues rear their ugly heads and winding down at the end of the …
Pilates and Yoga
To the uninformed, Pilates is often compared (or confused!) with yoga. It’s understandable. Both are body awareness based exercise methods that encourage a connection between mind, body and spirit. But the differences between the two are clear when we look at the core values and methods of instruction that lay within. For instance, Pilates encourages a small range of motion …
Pilates Breathing
Take a deep breath… And release. That may be the first time today you have been conscious of the essential activity we call breathing! An important part of life and movement, breathing delivers oxygen to our bloodstream (food for your body’s cells!) and conveniently expels a waste material called carbon dioxide. But did you know that there are different ways …