Pilates and Yoga

To the uninformed, Pilates is often compared (or confused!) with yoga. It’s understandable. Both are body awareness based exercise methods that encourage a connection between mind, body and spirit. But the differences between the two are clear when we look at the core values and methods of instruction that lay within. For instance, Pilates encourages a small range of motion …

Pilates and Men

There is a common misconception when it comes to the Pilates studio that it is a woman’s domain. One conjures up an image of women performing impossible poses on complicated contraptions or stretched out on mats surrounded by sorority sisters. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Pilates is, historically and in modern times, very much an even playing field. …

Our Terrific Trainees

Our Director, Lisa, is a faculty member for the Pilates International Training Centre (PilatesITC), the first ever government recognised Pilates qualification centre in the world. Core Pilates works alongside PilatesITC as a GOLD Work Experience Facilitation site for students who are PilatesITC registered. This means we are compliant with the standards set for Registered Training Organisations and place students as …