Our New Spring Term Pilates Classes!

MAT REJUVENATION The focus of our rejuvenation matwork class is about creating balance in the body, strengthening the core postural muscles and working on stability and co-ordination, whilst clearing the mind and energizing the whole body. You will begin learning the principles and foundations of Pilates with a focus on working from the inside-out. This class will finish with a …

Core Pilates Spring Term 2014!

THE WEATHER IS WARMING UP, LET’S GET READY TO ENJOY THE SUNSHINE! I can’t believe it is already October, 6 months since we moved in to our beautiful new Pilates haven! I hope everybody is enjoying the light and airy space with plenty of room to move! I would also like to say a big thank you to all of …

Core Pilates Brisbane is moving!

From Monday, March 10th 2014, we will be relocating to larger premises. Our new studio is located at: 15 Gloucester Street, Spring Hill P: 0412 830 090 It will be sad to leave the character and charm of Spring Hill Baths but it is time to “breathe” in a bigger and lighter space! The new studio is also 100 years …